
Third Thursday Mission

This summer, our church has the opportunity to partner with the City of Benton to reach our neighbors at the Third Thursday Benton Street Festival. We will praying with people, providing a Kids Zone with inflatables, popcorn, and snow cones, and also inviting others to our church. To volunteer, stop by any of our Welcome Centers or volunteer by clicking the button below.


Outside the walls

Every Monday night at 6pm, OTWM host a service and serve a meal at the Helping Hands ministry center near downtown Benton. It’s life changing! If you would like to serve and get involved in ministry outside the church walls, see Bob McDaniels or any of our staff.

Mondays at 6pm at 1212 W South St in Benton.


Addiction recovery

Every Tuesday, we host a recovery ministry to Saline County at the old skating rink in Downtown Benton. This is organized and lead by John 3:16 Ministry graduates within our church to provide life-changing truth which empowers men and women struggling with drug and/or alcohol addiction to restore their relationship with God and live the life He always intended. For more information see Joseph Johnson or Bob McDaniels.

Tuesdays at 6:30pm at 1212 W South St in Benton.