K-5TH @ 9:30 AND 11:00 AM

We offer high energy, creative, and interactive large group experiences designed especially for kids during the 9:30 and 11:00am hour. This service allows kids to worship God the way they were wired while God’s Word is taught in a way they can relate and apply to their own lives.


Because we believe that the most effective learning happens through relationships, we offer life groups at 9:45 AM. Kids are divided into age-graded classes with small group leaders who reinforce the bible content introduced in large group. They will take a deeper look at what the Bible says and experience fun, hands on activities to further connect with the day’s lesson.

SUNDAY nights

Our kids ministry meets at 6pm and we split up boys and girls. We continue to dive into God’s word, memorize scripture, and fellowship with one another.

family nights

Wednesday nights are the best nights of the week! We have a meal starting at 5:30pm for everyone located in our gym. Services start at 6:30pm where the kids will continue to have fun and dive deep into God’s word. This is a night you don’t want to miss!





VBS this year is June 2nd-5th. Our theme this year is “Set Sail.” Come aboard! Feel the warm sunshine and cool sea breeze as we set sail on a new adventure. An ocean cruise is perfect for relaxing, having fun, and making new memories with the people you love. When we embark on a journey like this, we can trust the captain to lead us toward our destination — and we can trust God in the same way! On this voyage, kids will develop a deeper understanding of how to follow Jesus when they learn God shows us how to love others, gives us gifts to serve others, prepares us to share the good news, and loves spending time with us! You can register your child by heading to


Worship Camp is an opportunity for kids K-5th grade to learn what it means to worship our amazing God in spirit and in truth in more ways than just music! We have mass choir along with offering many breakouts that include drama, chimes, art, etc. that encourage kids to use their desires and passions to worship God! For more information you can message Clay at


For summer camp this year, we are thrilled to be able to host Kanakuk's KampOut! Kanakuk’s KampOut is a 5-Day traveling day camp experience for kids that have completed kindergarten - fifth grade. The cost for camp this year is $319 per kid but if you use the code 24NLB$69 it will lower the cost to $250 per kid. This day camp experience will be hosted at our church on July 1st-5th and features the excitement of the Kanakuk experience in a remote location.